Chaitanya Chhikara
Full Stack Developer with expertise in TypeScript ecosystem, working on
Skilled in leveraging modern frameworks and technologies such as Next.js, React, Node.js, Express.js, and Prisma ORM to build and maintain responsive and efficient web applications.
1268 days

🛠 Featured Projects
I like to build stuff in my free time. Here are the featured projects that I've built till now. More stuff coming real soon.
A social media web application made with ReactJS.ReactJS, TailwindCSSSNKRS Store
A sample eCommerce web application made with ReactJS.ReactJSSNKRS Tube
A sample video library web application made with ReactJS.ReactJS📝 My Writings
I write about some technical topics that I come across as well as on my journey transitioning from food technology to web development.
'this' In JavaScript
July 18, 2022
JavaScript Promises: all, race, any and allSettled
July 15, 2022
Semantic HTML. The What & The Why?
Sep 6, 2021
How I Got Into Web Development
Sep 4, 2021